Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Back at the Blog--a re-cap of the year--

As some of my Facebook followers and email list friends already know, I have decided that it was time for the greenhouse/nursery business to come to an end.  Thirty eight years (38) is a long time to put plants in pots!  Please be assured that the love of herbs, flowers and all sorts of gardens has not come to an end--it's a new beginning!  A time that I can devote more to herbs, garden programs and presentations, and of course my family, farm and art!   Here are some photos of activities from the past year--Enjoy and stay tuned!

Caitlin enjoying a well-earned rest after a big weed job!
Visitors at the Alloway Garden Faire

"Across the Pond" entertains with Celtic music at Alloway-

Roger--at the Farmer's Market
Melanie--hard at work!

"Common-ground on the Hill"-McDaniel College comes to Alloway!

Corey at the end of a long day--

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I have been procrastinating about starting this blog so here I am in the middle of Janu-weary and I figure this is a good time to get going! This month is my re-organizing month, the month of schedules, seed catalog viewing, and taking time for special get togethers. Lots need to be accomplished this month but it is also time to rest for the up-coming garden shows and greenhouse work.

I am posting some photos taken in December---the BIG SNOW. The snow was quite deep and it caused the last day of the winter market at the Carroll County Farmers Market to be cancelled. However, the Friday night before at the Market was lots of fun and festive. And a BIG thanks to friends who pitched in and help us load the truck to make it home before the snowstorm!

Remember all Alloway catnip is tested on the Alloway kitties! Not really, but I left the room for a moment and the cats attacked the catnip I was bagging for the market. You know it is good when that happens!

Stay tuned for the next Blog on starting seeds--

Until then stay warm.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

2009 Annual Garden Faire at Alloway

Mark your calendars!!! It's back.....

The Annual Garden Faire at Alloway will be held on Friday, June 5 and Saturday June 6 from 10am until 3 pm. There will be a vast array of artisans in the gardens, including jewelry, barn stars, garden art and statuary, pottery, fiber arts, books, and body care products. A delicious Herbal Lunch will be available for purchase, as well as an amazing variety of herb plants grown here on the farm. Come spend the day - or two! You'll be glad you did.

Calendar of Events 2009

Alloway Creek Gardens Calendar of Events for 2009

March 14-15 Hagerstown Flower & Garden Show, Hagerstown Area Community College, Saturday, 9 am-5pm, Sunday, 10am-4pm

March 21- Carroll County Farmer’s Market- “Spring Fling” Westminster, Md 8am-2pm

April 1-Alloway opens for the Season-Hours Wednesday through Saturday 10 am to 5 pm—Sunday 1-4pm

April 4-Carroll County Farmer’s Easter Market, Westminster, Md. 8am-2pm

April 17-18 - Pennsylvania Herb Festival, York Convention Center (Fairgrounds) York PA. Friday 12 noon to 7 pm Saturday, 8am-5pm. Barbara will be presenting a program on Laurus nobilis (Sweet Bay) Herb of the Year on Friday at 1:45 pm and again on Saturday at 8:15am. http://www.paherbfest.com/

May 2 and 3- Union Mills Homestead Spring Flower and Plant Market, Union Mills, Md Saturday 9 am-4pm, Sunday Noon-4pm

May 9- Carroll County “Mother’s Day” Farmers Market, Westminster, Md. 8am-2pm

May 10- Mother’s Day at Alloway, Free plant to mothers, garden walk, and herbal refreshment open to all, no charge. 2-3pm

May 23 Baltimore Herb Festival, 10 am-3pm Leakin Park Baltimore, Maryland

June 5 and June 6- Alloway Creek Herb Farm Annual “Garden Faire”- 10 am-3pm Craft vendors, garden walks, music in the Garden, Master Gardener exhibits, and herbal refreshments available. Rain or Shine!

June 21 Father’s Day at Alloway. - Free plant to dads, herbal refreshment and garden walk, no charge 2-3pm

July 6-10 Common Ground on the Hill Traditions Week, McDaniel College, Westminster, Md. Our own Barbara Steele will be presenting “Designing Your Dream Garden” Morning sessions are 9 am to 11:45 am. Week long program-more info at http://www.commongroundonthehill.org/ Go to Art Class Preview

About our Plants

Our plants are raised naturally, without herbicides or pesticides. All of the herb rooted cuttings that we purchase are certified organic. We purchase organic seed when available. Of course most herb and flower seeds do not have chemical treatment but just haven’t obtained the expensive certification.

We suggest that you keep newly purchased plants in a light, airy location; watering when necessary, planting outside when the ground warms and there is little danger of frost. A complete selection of herbs, perennials, natives, and old fashioned annuals and vegetable plants are available at Alloway as the season progresses. Come for a visit!