Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I have been procrastinating about starting this blog so here I am in the middle of Janu-weary and I figure this is a good time to get going! This month is my re-organizing month, the month of schedules, seed catalog viewing, and taking time for special get togethers. Lots need to be accomplished this month but it is also time to rest for the up-coming garden shows and greenhouse work.

I am posting some photos taken in December---the BIG SNOW. The snow was quite deep and it caused the last day of the winter market at the Carroll County Farmers Market to be cancelled. However, the Friday night before at the Market was lots of fun and festive. And a BIG thanks to friends who pitched in and help us load the truck to make it home before the snowstorm!

Remember all Alloway catnip is tested on the Alloway kitties! Not really, but I left the room for a moment and the cats attacked the catnip I was bagging for the market. You know it is good when that happens!

Stay tuned for the next Blog on starting seeds--

Until then stay warm.


1 comment:

  1. I already have the urge to dig in the dirt. Hurry Spring!
